Thursday, April 7, 2011

Early Victorian Era Fashion Plate - February 1843 Godey's Lady's Book

Early Victorian Era Fashion Plate - February 1843 Godey's Lady's Book

Description of the Figures in this Number

Fig 1 - A fashionable cloak, though not the handsomest worn this season. The material is a strong woollen cloth, not prepossessing in its appearance, but very durable and warm. Some of them have a small worked figure, which is a great relief. The size of the capes vary - many are longer than our pattern, and some shorter - we give the medium. The collar and cape are trimmed with a fringe of the same colour as the cloak.

Fig 2 - Is the latest French fashion, and has hardly yet got introduced among us. We received the first impression from our Paris correspondent in a letter, and we hastened to present it to our patrons. It is a graceful garment, and will be very popular. The material is merino. It is made to fit the figure, confined at the waist with a cord and tassel; Hungary sleeves; skirt short, trimmed with a cord and lined with fancy coloured silk. Bonnet trimmed with feathers.

Fig 3 - Blue velvet mantilla cloak, trimmed with swansdown - velvet hat and feathers.

Fig 4 - Silk dress, corsage high in the neck. It comes to a point at the waist, and is trimmed with pipings - a fanciful trimming down the sides of the skirt - a bonnet of shaded velvet, feather to correspond. It is now very fashionable to have the feather of the same shade as the hat.

Fig 5 - Lavender silk coat dress, high in the neck - moderate sized cape, tight sleeves. The waist is finished with a narrow belt. White velvet bonnet and feathers

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